Lizzy Gilman, Ali Hansen, Alice Petty
Random Acts of Love and Kindness

Three Humanitarian Volunteers
Ali Hansen, Alice Petty, Lizzy Gilman

Lizzy Gilman became infatuated with the people of Africa as a little girl. She has read, studied, planned and dreamed of one day going to Africa to perform random acts of kindness. Now as a college junior, she decided that day had come. She was able to connect with people who could help. Some knew Africa and people in Ghana who could assist her; some were willing to make donations to "good causes" and trusted Lizzy and her friends to manage the distribution. She connected with Ali Hansen and Alice Petty who shared her interest and passion. Ali and Lizzy arrived first and found opportunities. Alice came before Ali returned, and Lizzy stayed the whole summer. Needs are abundant in Ghana, so they jumped into volunteer work on several fronts. While doing this, Lizzy, who sees this as her life's work, kept a focus on trying to learn the best ways for money and volunteers to contribute to sustainable improvements in the lives of real people here.

Ali and Lizzy Eating Jollof Rice Alice and Lizzy with Masai warriors in Kenya
Ali and Lizzy eating Jollof Rice Alice and Lizzy in Kenya with Masai
people on their indirect route home

At the Beach Dancing in Sand
There was some relaxing at the beach... ...watching people and sand dancing.

Peanut Vendor Popcorn Vendor
But even then, the focus was on
people like a peanut vendor...
...or a popcorn vendor and
their quality of life.

AIDS Patient Dr. Kissi
They visited medical care facilities
and saw people like this AIDS patient.
They took donated supplies to Dr. Kissi
at his Deseret Hospital. Dr. Kissi is
an Area Authority Seventy.

Child Village
They met children... ...visited homes in villages.

Women Sewing Quality of Life for Women
Quality of life for women became an
interest. These women sew for many
hours each day and make very little.
Many women work at low skill jobs
such as street vending to support
their families.

Quality of Life for Women Quality of Life for Women
They acquire fuel and food and
prepare meals each day...
...all the time bearing and caring
for children.

In visiting with Lizzy several times through the summer, we witnessed the wisdom and vision she was acquiring. Some poor people are as selfish as some rich people. People need the light of the gospel to lead them. What people have is not as important as how they use and manage their resources. Never discouraged, and not losing her passion, Lizzy learned a lot about how best to help people help themselves. Her photos from the University of Ghana reveal her perspective.
University of Ghana Library
University of Ghana in Legon
Ghana's finest university
The Library

Mostly Empty Bookshelves Books
A library full of books is a
key to college education...
...but only if you can find the
books you need.

More Books and More Books
The unversity receives donated
collections from foreign libraries.
The resource must be managed better
to reach its potential.

New Desks for a School

School School
Ali and Lizzy learned about a school
in critical need of new desks. Money
was supplied to have the desks built.
There was genuine appreciation
from the students and faculty.

Treats and Toys Treats and Toys
On a return visit to see the finished
product, there were simple toys...
...and treats for the children.
Maybe next year electric lights and fans.

Volunteers at an Orphanage with
LDS Humanitarion Missionaries

Orphanage Orphanage
Lizzy, Ali and Alice offered to help
with Church humanitarian efforts.
Covered foam matresses were delivered
to this orphanage. These pictures show
the school classrooms.

The children sang to express their gratitude.

Working at an Orphanage for Handicapped Children

Lizzy and Friends
Lizzy and Friends
There is an orphanage in Accra for handicapped children.
Most have been abandoned because parents could not afford to care for them.

Orphanage Orphange
Some children are left (required) to
sit on potty chairs much of each day.
Getting bathed is a cause for smiles.

Volunteers Dutch Volunteer
Sister Leishman (missionary) and
Katelin McKee (Church employee's
daughter) caring for infants
with cerebal palsy.
This lady is a professional masseuse
from the Netherlands. She comes twice
each year to work with children who
need muscle development.

Belinda Moses
Belinda has hydrocephaly and is
confined to her potty chair in a
corner all day.
Moses, 6, can't walk but crawls
like a spider. He always smiles.

Michael Cute Baby
Michael's eyes are hard to resist. A Beautiful Infant

This is CCT. He has Downs syndrome
and has never learned to walk.
He gets around using his head, feet
and hands with an occasional look up
to check his location.

Ali's Friend
This little guy was in love with Ali.
Where ever she was, he would put down his
chair so he could somehow touch her.

In Sunbeam Montessori School

Ali with the Opares
Monica Ohene-Opare, Ali, Emmanuel Ohene-Opare

Brother and Sister Opare are long time members of the Church and own and operate a Montessori school near Accra. They are not at all shy about the religious roots of their school. It is named the Golden Sunbeam Montessori School. The school motto is "Choose the Right." While the children in this school are more privileged than those in the orphanages and schools shown above, Lizzy , Ali and Alice found it fulfilling to teach these children and try to be role models.

School Patch Nap Time
School Patch on Uniform Napping on Tables

Using Crayons Birthday Card for Ali
Crayons are locked up and only
used for special occasions... a birthday party for Ali.

Treats Celebration
Look! Someone brought treats
for the party.
Talk about being the
center of attention.

New Books Lunch at the Zoo
New books are exciting. The children enjoy lunch
during a field trip to the zoo.

The children sing on the bus during field trips.
The songs are mostly religious.

Faculty and Staff Lizzy Surrounded
Faculty and Staff
Letitia, Marian Ohene-Opare
Eric the bus driver, and a helper
Lizzy Surrounded by Friends

Lizzy with Girls Lizzy with Boys
For the girls, Lizzy became a
role model extraordinaire.
But the guys just plain
loved her!

This young man is showing Lizzy his dance moves
sans music. Listen to her laugh at the end.
Do you think she likes him??

Lizzy came to Africa infatuated,
Lizzy Gilman
but she left in love.

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